Speaking Part 2



Speaking part 2 is different from part1. In this part, the candidate will have to speak for one to two minutes from a given topic. The topic will be in a card given to the candidate. At least, there are two elements that needs attention from the card: The topic and the talking points.
This is an example of the card:

Describe the best museum you have ever visited in you life.
1. What the museum was
2. How you went there
3. How old the museum was
4. Why you think it was the best museum

So the topic is 'describing the best museum' and the talking points are the four points following the topic.
In this part, you are given 1 minute to make notes about your talk.  Then you will have to speak for about 1-2 minutes based on your topic.

Tips for the talk:
  • Speak with confidence and establish eye-contact when saying your response.
  • You may look at your notes but, look at the examiner when speaking.
  • Don't write too many words when making notes, 2-3 words are enough to guide you.
  • Cover every talking points. If you have 3 points or 4 talking points,  speak your response of all of the talking points. 
  • Give equal length of response to each point. Do not spend too much on one speaking point and speak less on another. 
  • Organize your response into: introduction by saying the main idea or the topic of the talk, body by responding to all the talking points, and conclusion by summarizing your talk. 
  • Do not forget to give connection/signposts between main idea, talking points and conclusion. 
Here is a full response to the above cue card. 

I would like to talk about the museum I have visited in my life. Actually, not so long ago I visited this museum, about 3 months ago and it is called Meseum Macan (Modern and Contemporary Art from Indonesian and around the world). This museum presents modern art such as collections of paintings, modern abstracts painting and sketches and others. But the most significant part of this museum is that it provides performance, exhibitions and events which are tremendously different from other museum in the city of Jakarta. You really need to make a plan when visiting this museum to get the best out of it.

Museum Macan is located in West Jakarta, to be exact it is on Jalan Panjang, Kebon Jeruk. It is pretty easy to get there. When I went there, I started my visit from Lebak Bulus that I took a busway to Grogol from Lebak Bulus and stopped at Kebon Jeruk Bus Stop. Then I was on the left side of Jalan Panjang. The museum was only 3 minutes walk following the pedestrian street to the north and then left. Then when I was looking at AKR Tower on my left, the museum is on the mezzanine floor.

When talking about the start of this museum, it was pretty new actually. It was built on November 4, 2017. So it is just 2 years old however, it has attracted thousands of visitors as it is different and there is lesson learnt when visiting there. And I think the museum has positioned itself as cultural and entertaining place which means people will not be bored and regular visits can take place.

It is the first contemporary museum and colors, different collections and performance as well as exhibitions and event will play an important role in the existence of this new museum these are the reasons why I think this this the best place in the modern time in Jakarta. 

Check out the video below fur detailed explanation...


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