Problem Solution Essay

By: Ridwan Sa'at

Problem solution essay is one type of several IELTS Writing Task 2 essays candidates have to deal with during the exam. In this essay you are ought to present Problems and Solutions to the problems. Basically the approach is the same that first of all we need to understand the question topic and its instruction in the question rubric. In this article we will go through what problem solution essay is and a sample of response will be given to one particular question.

1. The very first thing you need  to do before handling the question is to understand the topic and its instruction to the topic in the question rubric. Take a look at this sample question.

In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. 
What problems will this cause for individuals and society?  Suggest some measure that could be taken to reduce the impact of aging populations. 

The sentence in bold is the topic and following that is the instruction. From the topic we can know that in the developed countries, people tend to live longer as a result of better education, health and living condition. And in the instruction you are asked to think of possible problems this phenomenon can cause to individual or someone working and to the society or families.
Now you know what the topic is and what you have to do with the topic.

2. The structure of your response
In the opinion essay in this blog I have described the common pattern of structure in responding to the writing task two of IELTS. It is that you must write just 4 paragraphs. This is reasonable as you are given only 40 minutes to complete the task. So, what are the names of the four paragraphs? Here are the samples structures of problem solution essay.
      Type 1                                       
  • Introduction                            
  • Problems
  • Solutions
  • Conclusion  
      Type 2:
  • Introduction
  • Problem 1 and its solutions
  • Problem 2 and its solutions
  • Conclusion
It is up to you which suits you the best in presenting your best response. Now, there are at least a guided pattern on how to write each of the above paragraph. In this article, the guideline I am presenting is related to the type 1 above. Follow this outline while reading the outline

a. burdening the active individual
b. imbalance population

1. government provides creative works for the eldest
2. government provides special allowance to the active individuals with the eldest stays with him
3. society proposes extended service the eldest
4. applied post-retirement training

3.The guidelines
The guideline to write the introduction is that you have to have at least two items in the introduction paragraph. They are a paraphrase of the topic and your thesis statement. So, at least two things should be there in the introduction; a paraphrase - you write using other words of yours about the topic given in the question rubric (see how to paraphrase if you want to know more) and a thesis statement - a bridging sentence to your body paragraphs.
For example:
      The topic: In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. 
      The paraphrase: It is certain that with their good economy and technology advance, the people of
                                developed worlds can extend their life expectancy longer.

The body paragraphs for problem solution essay are a paragraph description of the problems and a paragraph of solutions to the problems. In writing the problem paragraph, follow this simple steps:
  • Introduce the problem (use phrases to smooth your paragraph writing; for example: "The most relevant problem to increase life expectancy in developed countries is ....". This introductory phrase is really important and certainly you will get better score if remembering to write this prior to writing the content of your paragraph. 
  • Write the problem itself. ".... that every productive individual in the country will have to pay more for the oldest either in relation to the household need if the eldest lives with him or pay more and continuous tax as the government needs more fund for the continuous growing number of the eldest."
  • Then write the consequence of this problem. It may look like "This will end up with the breadwinner having no spare income for saving."
So, your first half of the problem paragraph will be:
The most relevant problem to increase life expectancy in developed countries is
that every productive individual in the country will have to pay more for the oldest either in relation to the household need if the eldest lives with him or pay more and continuous tax as the government needs more fund for the continuous growing number of the eldest.
This will end up with the breadwinner having no spare income for saving.

Then you can continue this paragraph with the second problem. Do not forget to introduce the problem first.

The guideline for the solution paragraph will be:
  • Introduce the problem using the fluency markers/phrases. Thing to note here is that you need to try to relate to the above problem paragraph. An example would be: "It is important to solve these problems."
  • Decide the doer who can carry out the solution. As the IELTS writing topics would be about education, environment, technology or others) it is common to take government, society, individual, parents or teachers as the doers. So, you may write: "The government could provide more work for the eldest/the retired individuals, so in their age they can still functional and be active as to not burdening her active children, spouse or neighbors."
  •  The third one is to write how to carry out the solution/how to implement the solution. This is an example: "This solution can be done by establishing more creative work for these retired people. For example, home industry of crafting can be the way for these oldest to get together with their peers while still being productive with the handwork."
Now you have successfully written the first solution. Continue with second, third and fourth solutions as outlined above.
Thing to note is that it is a good idea if you can frame the solutions in a way that each solution is clear for what problem.

The guideline for the concluding paragraph will be:
  • Introduce a phrase to end the essay. Some of the phrases would be: To conclude, In conclusion, To sum up etc. 
  • Present the summary of both the problems and the solutions. Looking at the outline above, the possible conclusion will be: It is clear that increase in life expectancy will bring problems to both individual; more spending by the active individuals and it can create imbalance in the society in which the productive age will be less and the the population growth of retired people. With special incentive to these individual, creative work for the eldest, extended service time and useful retirement programs, these problems can be solved.


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