By: Ridwan Sa'at

Form Completion question is common in part 1 of IELTS listening section. Here are the strategies for answering this type of question in the IELTS listening section:

1. First of all it is crucial to listen to the prologue. It tells you who are talking, where and what is the context of their conversation.

2. Then read instruction carefully when a half minute is given. It tells you how many words you should write for the blanks in the form. Also quickly within this time, read the title, subtitle and other parts of the form. It helps you make sure what the form is about in addition to the prologue.

3.  Also within the given time, observe the blank and think of what kind words needed for the blanks by reading the key words in the forms.

4. When the audio is played, listen for synonyms or even key words from the listening. When you heard the best word for the blank, write that word on the blank. Do not worry. Your temporarily answers can then be transferred at the end of the listening section as you are given 10 minutes for transfer.

5. At the end of section 1 of this type of question, when your answers are complete, read the complete form once again. Do all the lines in the form make sense now. When you think so, concentrate for the next listening part.

The best thing to be skillful in IELTS is through practice. Do some practice in listening by doing it. Buy one or two books with their audio for listening practice.
Happy practicing.


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